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Author: Service Lifter

Evaluating Your Cleaning Company: Are They Hitting the Mark?

Determining whether your cleaning company is effectively meeting your standards can sometimes be clear-cut, but often it’s a more elusive assessment. This article aims to clarify what constitutes “clean” and provide guidance on setting realistic expectations with your cleaning service. Additionally, we offer strategies for addressing situations where your cleaning vendor may fall short.


Defining “Clean” and Setting Expectations

The concept of “clean” can be as subjective as beauty, varying widely from one person to another. This variability makes it challenging to set a uniform standard for cleanliness across different individuals and organizations. To avoid the ambiguity and potential frustration that comes from this subjectivity, it’s advisable to establish a clear and detailed scope of work. This document should outline specific tasks to be performed in various areas of your facility, such as offices, restrooms, and break rooms, along with the frequency of these tasks. Confirming this scope with your vendor allows for consistent, routine inspections to ensure adherence to these agreed-upon tasks.


Key Metrics to Gauge Cleaning Effectiveness

Since perceptions of cleanliness can differ, how do you objectively measure the performance of your cleaning company? Consider these three metrics:

  • Number of Complaints: A fundamental aim of any janitorial service is to reduce disruptions by minimizing complaints. These can range from missing supplies to unemptied trash bins. Maintain a log (an email inbox can serve well) of all complaints, noting even those reported verbally by sending yourself a reminder.
  • Response Time: It’s crucial to have a system in place for reporting service issues, whether through a dedicated service portal or via email. Track how quickly your cleaning vendor addresses and resolves these issues to assess their responsiveness.
  • Inspection Scores: Regular inspections are a cornerstone of a robust cleaning program. Request that your vendor provides you with the results of these inspections to gauge the ongoing quality of their work.


These metrics offer objective, straightforward ways to monitor and enforce accountability within your cleaning program.


Addressing Performance Shortfalls

Even with clear expectations and monitoring, your cleaning vendor might not always meet your standards. If performance issues arise, consider the following steps to realign your service:


  • Engage with Your Vendor: Have a candid discussion about the specific issues. Ask probing questions to understand the root causes of the problems, such as staff turnover or delays in response.
  • Reestablish Expectations: Clearly remind your vendor of the agreed-upon standards and outline a timeline for necessary improvements, providing them with reasonable time to address the issues.
  • Plan for Alternatives: If the vendor continues to underperform, prepare to make a change. Start by compiling a list of potential replacement vendors and solicit proposals for their services. Communicate with your team about the possibility of changing vendors to ensure they are informed and prepared for the transition.


By taking these proactive steps, you can better manage your cleaning services and ensure that your facility maintains the standard of cleanliness you expect, ultimately leading to a more satisfactory and effective cleaning program.

How Professional Janitorial Cleaning Enhances Workplace Health: A Solution for Your Workplace

TL;DR: Maintaining a clean workspace is crucial for overall health and productivity. Professional janitorial services play a vital role in ensuring a healthy environment by thorough cleaning, sanitization, and disinfection. They offer customized cleaning plans tailored to your specific needs, ensuring cost-efficiency and compliance with health regulations. Investing in professional cleaning services not only enhances workplace aesthetics but also boosts employee satisfaction and productivity, ultimately fostering a safer and more welcoming atmosphere for everyone.


In today’s fast-paced work environments, the health and wellness of your workspace are most important. Learning how professional janitorial cleaning enhances workplace health can significantly improve the efficiency of your daily operations. 

Regular cleaning services minimize the spread of germs and bacteria, which helps to reduce workplace illness, elevate employee satisfaction, and foster a culture of wellness and trust. This creates a more professional appearance and atmosphere and positively impacts both employees and visitors, demonstrating that your company values cleanliness and health.

This article will explore the critical role of workplace cleaning in maintaining a healthy environment, offering insights into customized cleaning plans, the importance of air quality, and adherence to strict health standards. 

The Role of Professional Janitorial Services

Professional janitorial services are the heroes in your quest for a healthier workplace. Through a detailed exploration of the benefits of commercial cleaning services, we’ll unveil how these services are instrumental in enhancing your workplace’s physical cleanliness and boosting your team’s overall morale and productivity.

Sanitization and Disinfection

Every surface, from desks to doorknobs, is a potential harbor for germs. Janitorial services thoroughly sanitize and disinfect these areas, preventing the spread of illness and ensuring your team stays healthy and productive. In flu seasons, regular disinfection is not just a courtesy but a necessity. Janitorial services help you follow all health and safety regulations, protecting your team and clients.

Higher Work Performance 

A germ-free workplace will ensure a reduction in employee sick days and a boost in workplace wellness. Opting for night janitorial services means your employees arrive each morning with a clean slate, ready to tackle the day’s challenges without any cleaning disruptions. When outsourcing cleaning tasks, you know your staff can focus on their core responsibilities during the day, enhancing overall efficiency and profitability.

Asset Longevity

Your office assets, including carpets and high-traffic furniture, are significant investments. Regular cleaning by janitorial professionals protects their longevity, translating to cost savings for your business.

Recognizing that one size doesn’t fit all, janitorial services offer customized cleaning solutions to meet the unique needs of your facility, ensuring no corner is left unnoticed. High-touch surfaces are hotspots for germs and pathogens, and your janitorial services will prioritize these areas for regular disinfection.

Aesthetic Appeal

Enhanced appearance and performance of workplace assets and seamless and efficient work environment maximize daily productivity. A spotless workspace not only impresses clients and visitors but also gives employees a sense of dignity and satisfaction, leading to a more positive work culture. Beyond cleaning, these services include inspecting and reporting any potential issue and ensuring your facilities are not just clean but also well-maintained.

Enhancing Indoor Air Quality

Enhancing the indoor air quality of your workplace is a key component of maintaining a healthy environment. House plants are just not enough to provide clean air. Professional janitorial cleaning plays a significant role by implementing several advanced techniques.

  • Microfiber cleaning cloths effectively trap and remove allergens from surfaces. To maintain optimal air quality, green or less toxic cleaning products are chosen to minimize the introduction of harmful chemicals. Regular use of eco-friendly cleaning products ensures that cleaning doesn’t compromise your workplace’s air with harsh substances.
  • Proper waste management techniques prevent the development of unpleasant odors and harmful gasses. Regular ventilation and maintenance of HVAC systems ensure fresh air circulation.
  • Deodorizing the air and allowing natural light through clean windows enhance the freshness of the workspace and indoor air, making your workplace a beacon of hygiene and productivity.
  • Through the meticulous disinfection of high-touch areas and effective mold removal, these services reduce the transmission of germs and bacteria, promoting a healthier indoor environment that your employees can trust.

Professional janitorial services focus on these areas and help maintain a clean and healthy office atmosphere, contributing to your team’s overall wellness and satisfaction. 

Customized Cleaning Plans for Specific Needs

Understanding that your business is as unique as the services you offer, professional janitorial cleaning services provide customized cleaning plans that cater specifically to your needs. Here’s how these tailored solutions work to your advantage.

Assessment and Tailoring 

Initially, your workspace is thoroughly assessed to identify specific challenges and requirements. This ensures that all places, from high-traffic reception areas to quiet office corners, receive the attention they deserve, reducing the risk of accumulated dirt, dust, and germs. If environmental stewardship is part of your brand’s goals, customized plans can incorporate green cleaning products and energy-efficient equipment, aligning your operations with your values.

Adaptability Over Time

As your business evolves, so do your cleaning needs. Customized plans are flexible, adapting to factors such as seasonal changes in foot traffic or particular issues like stubborn floor marks. The professional cleaning service applies a dynamic approach, ensuring your space remains impeccably clean in any circumstances, reflecting the professionalism of your business. 

Cost Efficiency

Regular dialogue between you and your cleaning service provider is key to fine-tuning your cleaning plan. Together, you can identify and select only the services necessary for your business, avoiding unneeded tasks and protecting your expenses.


Ultimately, a cleaning plan designed around your specific needs can significantly enhance client satisfaction and loyalty, as it demonstrates a commitment to providing a clean, healthy, and welcoming environment for your customers. In the long term, this protects the profit of your business.

Compliance with Health Regulations

Adherence to health regulations is not just a formality. It’s the basis for ensuring a safe and healthy workplace. Your janitorial team is at the forefront of this mission, equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to prevent workplace hazards.

OSHA Compliance

Your janitorial services are well-versed in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. They follow specific guidelines for cleaning and maintenance activities, which are essential for safeguarding employee safety.

PPE Utilization

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is a non-negotiable aspect of janitorial work. It’s imperative for protecting workers from potential hazards, preventing injuries, and ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations. Your employer is responsible for providing and funding PPE as mandated by OSHA standards. 


Leveraging their expertise, tools, and specialized cleaning agents, professional cleaning services ensure thorough and effective cleaning, indispensable for maintaining a healthy environment.

Training and Protocols

Regular training on the proper use of PPE is vital. Janitorial services conduct regular stock checks to ensure PPE is available and in good condition, maximizing its effectiveness in shielding individuals from workplace hazards. To demonstrate compliance, janitorial services meticulously maintain records of cleaning activities. This documentation is crucial for validating adherence to health and safety regulations and can be provided if necessary.

Why You Need Professional Janitorial Services: Final Thoughts

Through this exploration of professional janitorial services, we’ve addressed the sweeping impact of dedicated and thorough cleaning on workplace health and productivity. As we’ve discovered, the tailored approach of these services ensures that each unique workspace is cared for with the utmost attention to detail, reflecting a company’s commitment to excellence and well-being.

By understanding how professional janitorial cleaning enhances workplace health, companies demonstrate a forward-thinking mindset toward health and safety, which in turn cultivates trust and longevity in their professional relationships.

Howard Building Maintenance is a constantly improving company, which can be witnessed by our customers’ satisfaction. We don’t merely strive for cleanliness but for fostering a safer, more productive, and welcoming atmosphere that benefits everyone, employees, clients, and visitors alike. 

We know that no two facilities are the same, so we assess the individual needs of each of our clients. Check our website now, and let us improve your workplace health and cleanliness!

Understanding the Cost of Keeping Your Building Sparkling Clean

When it comes time to figure out the budget for cleaning a building, everyone usually jumps straight to the big question: “How much will it cost?” This number is crucial for people managing the facility. If you get why cleaning costs what it does, you’ll be better at picking the right cleaning service.

So, what makes up the cleaning price tag? Here are the big five factors:

  1. How many people use the building.
  2. What kind of business you run.
  3. What your building is like.
  4. How often and what type of cleaning you want.
  5. How spotless you expect things to be.

Before diving into these, remember that labor – the cost of the cleaning crew’s time – is the biggest part of the bill. The more time it takes to clean up, the more you’ll pay. Now let’s break down each factor:

  1. How Many People are in Your Building

The more people, the more mess. Whether they’re workers, students, or visitors, each person adds to the cleanup. A busy call center with hundreds of employees will naturally cost more to clean than a big warehouse with just a few workers because there’s more trash and dirt to deal with.

  1. What Kind of Business You Have

Some businesses are just messier. A factory might spread dust and grime around, while a school or hospital will need lots of surfaces wiped down to keep them germ-free. The nature of your business can really change how much cleaning is needed.

  1. Your Building’s Characteristics

Cleaning can vary a lot based on the size of the building, how many bathrooms there are, what the floors are made of, how the space is used, how old the building is, and other things like that. An older space with lots of small, packed offices with hard floors is harder to clean than a newer, more open space with carpets.

  1. Types and Frequency of Cleaning Services

The standard cleaning contract usually includes taking out the trash, dusting, floor care, and looking after bathrooms. But how often these jobs are done can change the cost. In a hospital, floors are cleaned every day, but in a regular office, maybe just twice a week.

  1. How Clean is “Clean”?

Everyone has a different idea of what clean means. Some might be okay with a little dust here and there, while others want to be able to check any spot for dust and find none. Higher standards for cleanliness mean more time cleaning.

So, What’s the Bottom Line?

How much it costs to clean your building really “depends.” The main cost is paying for the cleaning crew’s time, and that can change based on how many people use the space, what your business does, what your building is like, how often you want cleaning, and how clean you want things to be.

Want to talk about cleaning your place and get a free estimate? Just give us a shout, and we’d be happy to help